August 28, 2007

Camera Part 2

So today when my dad got home he had good news! He brought my memory card into work and he got the pictures! He had the techo guy download a retreaving software to get the pictures! Well I got the pictures! I did not get all of them but I got some! That just took the weight off my shoulders! Well I have to go I am in a very important converation with my friend Ashtyn!!!! Will picture pictures later!

8 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!:

Anonymous said...

HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!! we are having an important conversation!!! i♥joan!!

Joan said...

It is!!!!! We rock! Gotta love online talking!

Anonymous said...

We do rock!!!! online talkin is the best! i still♥ joan

Joan said...

I have 470 unread emails in my deleted folder! Don't you think it is time to clean it out???

Anonymous said...

ahh yea!!!
whos asttn, g2g bye

Joan said...

She is and awesome friend! Where have you been, Kate?

Anonymous said...

ive just been really busy!

Joan said...
