April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack

Today is Jack's 11th birthday! I ended up getting him a t-shirt. Nothing exciting but it is really cute! I really like the ideas I got and I will try to remember those for next year! Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday and I have something in store for that! You will have to wait and see what her mom and I come up with!!!!!

April 29, 2009


Tomorrow is my brother's birthday and I haven't even thought about what I am going to get him. This week has gone by so fast. Any suggestions? On Friday is my best friend's birthday and I know what I am going to get her but I need to make sure my mom will let me because it would involve her driving us out of town! But I think she won't mind. I will tell you what it is after her birthday! So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I will be back to blogging regularly soon!

April 20, 2009

Lego League

Wow, where do I start?! If you don't know, my brother's Lego league time won the state competition and last week we were at the international competition! It was such a neat experience. On Wednesday, I got to leave school early to catch our flight. By 8 we were in Atlanta! Our hotel room was on the 41st floor with an amazing view! The elavator just shot you up so your stomach would take a second to catch up! They ended up in the middle of the pack placement wise, which we think is good considering there were 84 teams and 31 countries. We also went to the Aquariam which wasn't as great as they made is sound. On the last day after closing ceremonies, we went to the Coco-Cola factory. That was our favorite! Today I will do some of the pictures off of my camera (Not the best ones) and tomorrow I will do one of the other cameras.

April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope everyone is having a great Easter! I am really excited because my brother's friend is getting baptized today! I am in charge of video taping it on the Flip because on Friday his dad was moving the pop (Soda) machine and it feel on his foot and he had to have surgery. Now he can't get up for 5-7 days. Poor Daren! My Aunt and her family are coming for lunch so I will be busy with the cousins! I hope you all have a great Easter!

April 10, 2009

Where Have I been?

I haven't blogged in a long time. I have been extremely busy! I have track practice every night and I had my first meet on Tuesday. On Wednesday we leave for Atlanta for my brother's lego league competition! I am really excited. It is going to be a lot of fun and I get to miss 2 1/2 days of school! I have nothing else to post about at the moment. It seems like good posts all come at once then for awile there seems to be NO inspiration! Anyway I will stop ramabling! Just thought I would check in!