May 30, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday!

Two more days of school left. To wrap up the last full week of school they decided to have a decades day! Lets just say there were some interseting outfits! Mine was very unique and my older teachers that had my mom loved it! I wore my mom's old cheerleading sweeter. It was very hot and ichy! We haven't had the nicest weather this week. Most days just getting up into the 60's. But of coarse today it was in the 80's! We tried to "poof" My hair this morning but it did not work out very well. Thank you for all of the prayers. They have really helped and our God is amazing!

May 29, 2008

New Job = Maybe no Japan

Well....My mom got offered a new job today and it is her dream job. She will be training teachers. And I was really happy for her until she told me that they had scheduled a trip to San Antonio for a training for them at the same time as our Japan trip. I don't know how to react because I don't get along with anyone else going. I am really happy for my mom but at the same time I don't want to go to Japan without her. Could you just pray for me and my mom's decision. I want her to do what is best for the both of us.

May 26, 2008

Pray for Parkersburg

Last night a small Iowa town got destroyed. The small town of Parkersburg, IA got hit with a F5 tornado and at least 7 lifes have been taken and they think about 70-80 injuried. We have some really close friends (The ones we got ATVing with), the best man in their wedding lives there. Early this morning they picked them up. They came back to our friends house got a little bit of sleep. At about 8 they called our house asking if they could use our trailer. Of coarse we said yes. They said that all the gravel roads are closed and you can't get into the town without a wristband on. Everyone had to be out of the town at 8 tonight because of people stealing things. Which I don't understand why anyone would do that because these people have already lost almost everything. They were one of the only lucky ones... There house was one of the only houses still standing. Grantite it did shift off the fondation but they are thankful and everyone is safe. Just pray for all of the people that have lost friends and family and the people missing to be found.

May 24, 2008

Thank You, Lauren

This has been an emotional week for me and many others. The Chapman family have suffered a huge loss. I am sure all of you have heard about the loss of their youngest daughter, Maria. Around 5pm on Wednesday the family was getting ready to celebrate the engagement of their oldest daughter, Emily. One of the boys pulled in the driveway and did not see precious Maria and she got this. All of the family saw this tragic accident. I was really hit with this accident. I would have never known when I got into blogging that when you read others blog and something tragic happens to them that you feel grief like you have met that person. You have something inside of you that is apart of it. I think that is what hit me the most. And how much life is going to change for them.

I had a friend that really helped me though all of this. She is always someone I can go to if I need someone to cry on her shoulder. Keenexes were always on hand! She knows how to make me smile. This week it was with mentos! I was in tears on the way to school. Makeup all over my face and she had mentos sitting right next to her. She reached over and said, " Do you want a mento." I like mentos but it's not like I love them. So she carried them with her all day and whenever she thought I was having a hard time she would say, "Need a mento?" She would always get a smile out of me.

"Thank you Lauren of being there for me and making me laugh. You are a great friend and I will aways be there for you too!"

May 13, 2008


This post is just for you Mai! Just joking. Mai keeps reminding me that I need to take the time and post pictures from this weekend. I went to a youth retreat and it was so much fun. We did a lot of fun stuff. You can read more about it in a new blog I started. My Prayer Journal. Sorry about the pictures that are sideways. It would not let me turn the pictures.

May 4, 2008


Right now I am very frustrated with my computer. It is extreamly slow. sorry that you can't see all of the great pictures but I it would not let me edit it without freezing. I will work more on it when I have more patiants!

May 3, 2008

My meme

How many times a week do you cook and eat out? It totally depends on what time of year it is but we tend to eat out more than we should. We probably eat out at least once a week. We tend to eat out more in the winter and grill more in the summer. Now I don’t usually do the cooking that would me my mothers job most of the time! Although she is really good at getting me to feel guilty and I add up helping her! What is your family's favorite dinner? I would have to say steak! We have that quite a bit at our house hold! We grill the best steak! My favorite food is artichokes though. What kind of snack and drinks do you keep on hand for your Things? Gatorade, poptarts, frozen waffles, milk, and grapefruits How do you break up the house work? We are lucky that once a week a lady comes and cleans our house. We just got a new cleaning lady because our old one got a new job and the new lady makes me miss our old one because the new one it to picky. Has to make sure the house is perfect. But for cleaning my room I don’t think I have any tips there! I am not that type! Although I have realized that getting all the things that go one place at one time. Do you have any tips for getting it done faster/easier? For cleaning my room I don’t think I have any tips there! I am not that type! Although I have realized that getting all the things that go one place at one time. Do you guys have a bedtime routine? Not as much as week used to. Now that we our older. What is a typical day for you? My alarm goes off at 7:00 AM and I usually hit the snooze once or twice. I get up, head downstairs where my morning breakfast awaits me because my grandma comes up to help us get ready. Then I go upstairs hop in the shower get dressed, do my makeup, hair, get my track bag packed. At 8:00 my neighbor picks me up to take us to school. How often do you go to the grocery store? I don’t know. I don’t do the grocery shopping. Do you have a special day for running errands or is it just when you need to? Not really Do you and Brother share any of the household responsibilities? yes....we are a good team. Most of the time that is… We don’t have specific chores because when my mom was young she hated it that way so we have a rule that if mom or dad says to do it you have to do it w/out arguing. What's your best organization tip? I am not the best cleaner but the best organizer. But I don’t any tips. What is your favorite cleaner(s)? My brother!!!!! LOL!!!! How far in advance do you start planning the kids fabulous birthday parties and events.? My brother had his birthday party last night. I did not plan it so I guess I don’t know. I knew the date for it about a week before. Where do you find inspiration for all the fabulous things you do? I'm not sure about this question. lol I am quite an artistic person. I love to decorate and change things. My mind is always looking at different things and seeing the beauty in whatever it is. I like to feel peaceful and content....not always an easy thing in today's world. I do know that the calmer I am, the happier the whole entire family is. I guess they are my inspiration. ;) How do you keep track of all of your events/to do? I have a calendar in my purse and at school.

Now It is your turn!