May 29, 2008

New Job = Maybe no Japan

Well....My mom got offered a new job today and it is her dream job. She will be training teachers. And I was really happy for her until she told me that they had scheduled a trip to San Antonio for a training for them at the same time as our Japan trip. I don't know how to react because I don't get along with anyone else going. I am really happy for my mom but at the same time I don't want to go to Japan without her. Could you just pray for me and my mom's decision. I want her to do what is best for the both of us.

3 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!:

Meg in Tally said...

Joan, I just surfed by your blog and thought I would leave you a comment.

I understand how you feel about going to Japan without Mom...basically, because I'm a mom who enjoys activities with MY daughter. I'm her Volleyball Team Mom and we get to go a lot of places together and love it!

But think about this...maybe this is the way God has designed things for YOUR spiritual growth in going somewhere without your Mom as your safety net. Traveling with folks "you don't get along with" may be the chance for them to see YOUR Christ-like witness. Jesus didn't just hang out with His buds!

Actually, if your mom doesn't get to go, I feel sorry for her not getting to see your face when you experience these new sights and delights! Us moms enjoy watching our kids enjoy!

Keep praying!

Anonymous said...

I am wishing that she be able to come to Japan.

Anonymous said...

joan, its Kate Kramer, i haven't been on your blog since 4ev. well i'll give u some advice..... ok i have none, but i hope your mom will make the best decsion, i know she will. just hope and pray 4 the best and belive tht it will happen. since going 2 japan is a big thing i would think u would go, but idk know your mom lik u do. just keep hope and pray, pray PRAY@!@!@
from Kate