February 18, 2008

Yesterday fun!

Yesterday everything got cancelled because of weather so I had my friend Lauren come over because she lives right behind me! She brought a box of brownies and we put tons of food coloring in it and took some funny pictures of things we thought no one would reconize. I think we did well! Here are some of the interesting pictures!

This is Hersheys chocolate with green food coloring!


This is a CD! I Think it looks like a cd!


I forgot what this is but it is a cool picture!

This is a picture of my mom's camera lense.

This is the inside of the washer!

That was a stupid post but what else am I supposed to do when school is cancelled!?!?

4 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!:

Anonymous said...

thts kool but those are stupid photos- lol- Kate

Holly said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! That sounds like something me and my friends would do....lol! And I just read on your sidebar about your facebook. Mine is under Holly Smith if you want to be friends!

Gracie said...

Glad you all had fun :)

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrr Its so cold here. I just walked a mile home and its freezing. I think I died -Molly