September 8, 2007

A trip to Sports Page

Today I woke up and my foot was really bothering me. It has been bothering me for the passed couple of days. But it was really hurting today. The pain has been in the arch of my left foot and whenever I walk if feels like them mustle will not let me move my foot anymore. So my mom said it was time to get new running shoes. I tried on nike and asics and really like the Asics. The shoes I had before were Asics too but they wern't running shoes. My mom wanted me to get the nike becuase they were cheaper but I insisted that the Asics felt better. So my mom tried them on. First she tried the Nike. She was saying how nice they felt. Then she put the Asics on, then she changed her mind about how nice the Nike felt! long story short that I got the shoes I wanted and she then got shoes that were even more out of the trip! I gave her a hard time about that!

6 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!:

Anonymous said...

I like Asics

Joan said...

They are great! I would agree!

Anonymous said...

Nice shoes

Joan said...

They feel great too!

Anonymous said...

ok kool then, cause im haning w/ the kool kats

Joan said...

Sweet! Why? You are talking about the softball team right?