July 31, 2008

Needed Prayers

Hello everyone, I just got home from a 24 hour travel. Not fun! Since one of my best friends live right behind me she was at my house almost right after I got home. We were talking and I found out a close friend of ours 6 year old brother has cancer. I was in so much shock. I still am. They found out around the time I left for Japan and they did surgery right away. That went well they think but they are very concerned about it spreading to the lungs. The family is in a lot of stess and need a lot of prayer. Please pray with me for precious Carson. And for his family that is going through this difficult time.

July 29, 2008

Hello from Japan

I am going to have to make this really short. I just wanted to say I am going to be home on Thursday and I am having a lot of fun. I have way too many pictures to show! And spider bites!

July 20, 2008

Off to Japan

(Sakura and I last year)

Tomorrow I am leaving with my mom and 9 other teenagers to go to Japan! I am VERY exitied! The longest flight is 13 hours long. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight! I will be there for 10 days. We will be visiting the schools, camping(not like american camping), shopping!, And of coarse Mt. Fuji. I think my host will be taking me to the Japanese Disney World. I heard they have some of the most extreme rollar costers in the world! I don't know if I will be able to update you when I am there. If I can I will! I can't wait to see you again, Sakura and Mai!

July 17, 2008

A video you need to see. It will change the way you look at things!

Have a great day!

July 14, 2008

Some Pictures from Colorado

I just got the pictures from my dad's laptop to my computer! Right away I got busy editing the photos.I only did a couple. Will do more tomorrow. Goodnight!

July 13, 2008

My Newest Purchase

We are now back from Colorado! And when we were there I feel in love with my parents small camera. In the past I have talked a lot about the problems my old camera has given me. So I desided that it was time to spend the money and get a camera that I like so I will have good pictures that I will want to have when I am older. It is a Canon PowerShot SD750. I love it. I will NEVER buy another camera that is not a canon again. They are great! Very reliable. Most of the Colorado photos are taken with the same kind of camera. (My goal is to post pictures tomorrow.) I can't wait to take "Way to many pictures" in Japan. I leave for Japan in 8 days. Eeekkk. My July/Summer is going by waaaaay too fast.

July 6, 2008

On Vacation

hey guys'..... happy late 4th of july. I have been on vacation in Colorado. It is going great. We have been riding our 4 wheelers above the tree line and playing in the snow. the views are amazing. there has been no internet access so my dad said i could blog from his phone. it is slower than high speed internet that is for sure. but is better than no internet at all. i guess this is telling me i am online too much.... i will fill you in more when i get home.