January 25, 2010
Posted by
Monday, January 25, 2010
AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!
Labels: winter
January 1, 2010
New Year!
It is now a new year! 2009 was great and 2010 will be too! I have had many exciting things happen in the past year. Before school started I told you some goals I had for this school year and I wanted to check back on them today!
My Goals were:
1. Getting up in the morning to do my quiet time with God.-
I have be successful with that. So far I have only missed 2 mornings!
2. To do my best at Cross Country.-
I was successful with that too! I knew that one wouldn't be hard since I have a huge passion for running!
3. To go to bed at a reasonable time-
Some days i am successful at that and other days I totally bomb that one! But for the most part I do a pretty good job. I have 2 people that I will text before I go to sleep and tell them goodnight so they know when I go to bed!
4. To keep my locker clean (at least my half)-
My locker hasn't been too bad. Don't have much in there besides school stuff! The only thing that really annoys me is that we both put our empty gatorade/water bottles on the bottom and that is where I have put my stuff.
5. To TRY and keep a positive attitude towards band (Key word TRY)-
I don't really think i am very successful at that one. :( I really did not enjoy band and I am dropping band at semester! I will be taking foods instead! I have very limited cooking skills so that will be interesting to see how that goes! I am glad I tried band and I have stuck with it this far. I have tried it and now I know it is not for me. I can see how some people like it. It is just not my thing.
My goals this year are all of those (band won't have to worry about much longer and cross country is over). I also want to add to those goals.
1. Keep my room cleaner- I think I say this every year and I don't think i am every very successful but I really want to work on that! I know my parents would agree that I really have a lot of improving I have to do in that department.
2. To branch out and meet new people.- I have so many great friends that I love with all my heart. I am so thankful for them. I have realized that I need to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people and develop friendships.
3. Eat healthier.- I am one of the worst at eating healthy foods. I am not that picky, I just have a really bad habit of eating junk food. Like poptarts! I don't think I need to say anymore!
4. To complain less- I complain about a lot and I just need to stop!
So there you have it! My goals for 2010! Goodbye 2009! Hello 2010!
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Friday, January 01, 2010
1 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!
Labels: New year