On Thursday we go back to school. I AM NOT READY TO GO BACK. I had a really great summer! This afternoon I went to Freshman orientation and walked my classes and met my teachers. I am happy that on Thursday I don't have to go to early morning classes!
Some summer highlights were...
- Teen arts bloopers
- Teen arts in general
- Starting Cross Country
- Getting my school permit! (My mom doesn't like the high insurance)
- Family vacation to Colorado
- Mission trip to Mexico
- Steven Curtis Chapman/Jeremy Camp concert!
Some goals I have for this year....
- Getting up at 6 to do my quiet time with God.
- Do my best in cross country (That won't be hard)
- Get to bed at a reasonable time.
- Keep my locker clean (At least my half)
- To TRY and stay positive about band. key word try
1 AwEsOmE cOmMeNtS!!:
Haha... Good goals!
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