August 26, 2009


Tomorrow is my first cross country meet of the year. I am a little nervous but not as much as i usually am. We are running on the new course and we aren't liking it as much as our old course but we were also spoiled by having such a nice course before. Today we got our warm up t-shirts and had a spaghetti dinner which was a lot of fun. Next spaghetti dinner is at my house! So tomorrow at 5:00 think about me running up the hills! I don't have a good picture of a meet from last year so here is a picture of yesterday's sunrise.

August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

August 17, 2009

Back to School:(

On Thursday we go back to school. I AM NOT READY TO GO BACK. I had a really great summer! This afternoon I went to Freshman orientation and walked my classes and met my teachers. I am happy that on Thursday I don't have to go to early morning classes!

Some summer highlights were...
  • Teen arts bloopers

  • Teen arts in general

  • Starting Cross Country

  • Getting my school permit! (My mom doesn't like the high insurance)

  • Family vacation to Colorado

  • Mission trip to Mexico

  • Steven Curtis Chapman/Jeremy Camp concert!

Some goals I have for this year....

  • Getting up at 6 to do my quiet time with God.

  • Do my best in cross country (That won't be hard)

  • Get to bed at a reasonable time.

  • Keep my locker clean (At least my half)

  • To TRY and stay positive about band. key word try

August 9, 2009


If you know me you know that i am a huge Steven Curtis Chapman fan. Well on Thursday Steven Curtis Chapman and Jeremy Camp will be at the state fair! Of course i got tickets 2 hours after they went on sale and we could only get seats in the 11th row:( Since I am a freak and must not have anything better to do on a rainny Sunday, I created a fact sheet on Steven Curtis Chapman and Jeremy Camp. I was going to do this yesterday but we went ATVing and then I went to a friend's house. Most of them are really random but hey, I am a very random person!

Facts about Steven Curtis Chapman

1. SCC has 2 kids married.
2. Kids names are Emily, Caleb, Will, Shaohannah (Shaoey), Stevey Joy, Maria
3. Wife is Mary Beth
4. Mary Beth’s maiden name was Chapman. They met in college when their mail would get mixed up.
5. Mary Beth’s birthday is November 6, 1964
6. SCC has a tattoo on his ankle that says God Follower
7. Maria was a special needs orphan since she had a hole in her heart. It turned out that she never did have a hole in her heart.
8. Emily married Tanner Richards on October 4, 2008.
9. Tanner proposed on an airplane on May 17th.
10. SCC’s favorite song is Blessed by your name.
11. SCC’s bff (besides MB of course) is Matt Redman
12. SCC and his family had just left Beijing an hour before the earthquake hit last year.
13. Will’s girlfriend’s name is Ruthie. (I know, not JoanL)
14. The Chapman’s have a dog named Max. Steven is not a big fan of Max!
15. The album, Heaven will rise, will be released on November 3rd.
16. Caleb and Will are in a band called The Following.
17. Will is really good at basketball.
18. Mary Beth drives a 2007 Honda Odyssey
19. In 1998 SCC lost is voice for about 3 months with paralyzed vocal cords.
20. Caleb married Julia on Mother’s day.

Facts about Jeremy Camp

1. Jeremy Camp is married to Adie Liesching.
2. Adie was the lead singer for Benjamin Gate.
3. Jeremy’s first wife, Melissa, died of cancer.
4. Adie is from South Africa.
5. Their daughters are Isabella (Bella) and Arianne (Ari)
6. Adie is 12 weeks pregnant.
7. Jeremy and Adie have iphones.
8. They got married in December, 2003.
9. Adie has an album called Don’t Wait.
10. Jeremy took Adie out to dinner planning on breaking up but accidentally asked her to marry him.

August 6, 2009


While I was in Mexico, I got room painted! I think it turned out awesome. All that time the week before pulling off wallpaper has so paid off! My back wall is chalkboard. I plan to get some markers like what they use in cafes to right with. right now I am just using chalk. So you people need to get over and help me deckout my wall!